Bisexual man,Olaoye Tobi declared Wanted by police

A notorious bisexual, Olaoye Tobi Stephen has been declared wanted by the police authorities over his sexual behavior The police according to the brother of the wanted bisexual,Mr Olaoye Joshua has been requested him to appear before them Mr Joshua Olaoye equally stated that the whereabouts of his brother has remained a mystery since early last month and the declaration of Tobi Olaoye has sparked confusion in the immediate and extended families Olaoye Tobi Stephen who works with the Ogun state internal Revenue service was said to have left for an unknown destination in June after a heated argument with his female lover ,who eavesdropped the conversation he was having with his cousin in Canada detailing his sexuality In frustration,the female lover of his, Adeboyinsola Oladejo, according to his brother, having got wind of his lover's sexual behavior reported the matter to the police ,which necessitated Olaoye Tobi to flee his abode without inform...