Lesbianism: 33 YearOld Lady Cries out over plan to eliminate her


A Nigerian Lady,Miss Oladimeji Olamide Ikimot has cried out over plans by her friends and some religious extremists to get her eliminated for being  a lesbian,stressing that she has been running helter sketer to preserve her life ,which has made her to be living in perpetual fear ,which has affected her health negatively.

The Lady is an emotion laden  voice note disclosed that she has lost trust in so many of her friends  who have compromised her well being ,thus seeking help for safety from non governmental organizations (NGOs) and other good people around the world 

She posited that her entrance into the world of Lesbians started some years ago in the university ,where she studied Biology and reproductive health,and that she belonged to an organization dedicated to the well being of female Activists ,who defend the female students from harassment from male Lecturers 

She lamented that during the period and due to the religious practices in minna,Niger state where she schooled ,rape ans other infringements are not always reported,which invariably emboldened the perpetrators and led to astronomical increase in such violent crimes,a situation that prompted her to get engage with female Activists,thus,they enter into sexual activities 

She claimed at a particular point in time,her Uncle molested her severally and that made her detest the male gender 

In her save my soul Note,she posited that in order to live a better life, she relocated to the United Arab Emirates(UAE), and secured a well paying job with SHARAF DG UAE,and she continued with her way of life 

She said while in the UAE,she had female friend they were getting down together ,until a male friend who proposed to her leaked out her sexual behavior to the authority ,which made her to flee back to Nigeria 

Furthermore,in Nigeria,she claimed she came in contact with the uncle and those who molested her few years back,which led her into another round of psychological trauma and thereafter rushed to hospital.

She was later discharged and later learnt that the Nigerian authority had arrested some of her lesbian friends with the help of the people and some killed secretly,which made her life to be in danger again 

She claimed that her female lover, Macaulay Omolola ,whom they planned to get marry had relocated to Germany due to the pressure at home and during their communication, she , Omolola Macaulay advised her to apply for German visa , but that on arrival in Germany on the 17th of July 2024,to meet her partner Omolola,she got to know that her lover has gotten another person and their marriage consumated  ,which greatly shattered her dream of getting  married to her lover 

She asserted that her life became meaningless to her at that point in time ,as her hope of living her life was dashed and then she became disillusioned, as the prospect of returning to her native country Nigeria became slim owing to the fact that her colleagues are being hounded by security agents and religious extremists 

In her words "I am appealing to all peace loving people of the world to come to my aid. I am in a dilemma,I need to live my life no matter the machinations of the authority. It's my choice to be a lesbian,and I have not committed any offence by embracing Lesbianism"


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